Wednesday, March 19, 2014

IB Art Year One - 2014

-Self Portrait

This painting was created through a process that required lots of planning and visualization.  I formed the original stencil look with a large cut out.  The process consisted of me drawing the form, cutting out the sections that I wanted coloured, and spraying over the This was difficult for me, as I have never done much art that had to do with human form, or portraits.  I worked off of a picture that I took of myself playing the trombone, and spent much of my time playing with size and proportion.  I used colours that I felt summarized my personality and the instrument expresses my love of music.  I chose to spray the background in black and grey because I wanted this piece to look like street art.  My inspiration came from a street artist called Banksy, who wanted to convey either political or personal messages by putting his art on display for everyone to see.

-Reflective Portrait

This was my very first attempt at an oil painting.  I chose to portray my dog in a reflective pool because it was a way of keeping his memory alive.  The reflection is in a forest, a setting that both he and I were extremely familiar with, is meant to express the spirit, or memory that he left behind.  I felt that an abstract painting style would present my desired effect better than a more meticulously painted realistic setting.  It allows for the focus to be on the reflection and figure.  The colours express emotions such as joy and youth.  The long strokes and circular form represent passing and flow of time.

-Scent of Evil

This was my first ever IB art project, inspired by a venetian mask and a humming bird.  These are two things that interest me in life and I wanted to find a similarity between them.  I ended up focusing on the long beak of the bird and the nose on the mask.  I chose to go with the concepts of good and evil as they both these figures contrast greatly in my mind.  The mask is a Commedia dell'arte, Il Dottore mask.  It is the mask of a plague doctor, whose long nose allows him to sniff out sickness and death.  This contrasts nicely with the hummingbird, whose long beak is used to sniff out nectar, and sweat scents.  The colours; blue, green, purple, and gold are my favourites.  In this painting I used these colours through water colour to create an abstract effect.  The water allowed paint to flow freely around the figures, creating a setting filled with moods according to the figure that it accompanied.  The abstract flow of the water colour was also intended to create a setting in no specific place, only in a gap between space and time.

-Kamilla Szij Imitation

This art work was a learning process more than anything else.  Created through the overlaying of repeated patterns and motifs, it brings contained and spontaneous art together.  Inspired by a visit by a Hungarian artist, Kamilla Szij, this work was an imitation of a technique that uses the beauty of human error and nature into art.  The work is supposed to consist of one line, interlaced and overlapped to create various patterns.  This piece is a variation/imitation because I made use of four different motifs and three colours.  I kept the basic concept of implicating human essence into the art, while adding the personal touch of colour and contrast.

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